Sep 24, 2014

Gwen Stefani's Tuxedo Jeans: Gotta Have Them or Make Them Stop?

Gwen Stefani has had her fashion wins and misses over the years, but we've got to give the newest member of The Voice family credit: She takes risks in every single category.

Case in point these tuxedo jeans, though we should count the entire outfit considering that sheer shirt. One the one hand, her style looks straight
out of the '90s (aka the era that brought us No Doubt), but there's something very modern about the boyfriend-jean-turned-black-tie-pant.

Love it or hate it?

As a complete look, we're not in love. The black mesh top is too reminiscent of something hanging in the back of our closet, from around the time we first fell in love with the "Spiderwebs" singer.

But the bottoms are a cool twist on a classic pant. The mustard coloring on the stripe keeps it out of total formal wear territory and the slouchy cut helps with the casual feel.

So yes, we would wear these pants while watching the "Hollaback Girl" singer kill it in the girl power category on The Voice tonight. What's your take?

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