Mar 10, 2017

How to Reset mIRC 30 days Trial Period

A handful of you might already know this trick, but I'm posting for those who don't know, or who are new to mIRC.

This trick will work whether your trial has expired or not. To reset your mIRC trial period back to 30 days, do the following:

Open the Start menu, execute "Run".
Type "Regedit" in the field. Hit OK.
Expand the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" folder.
Expand the "Software" folder.
Look for a folder named "mIRC". Expand it.
Now, go ahead and delete the folder named "LastRun".
Restart mIRC.

PROFIT! Your mIRC trial period is now back at 30-days.


  1. Doesn't work as expected. Would be too easy.

    1. To be honest, I have used mIRC for over a decade and I have never, never had to worry about this. Of course, being that long of a user I did eventually dish out the $15 or whatever it was to register it (they apply permanently) but yeah, you should be able to just hit continue after a few seconds.

      There have been so many old posts about this on the internet. But yeah, the functionality was never really rigorously enforced in the app.

    2. Because I was bored:

      s/never, never/never, ever
      s/but yeah, y/. Y
      s/. But yeah, /;

    3. Ampm Fun: How To Reset Mirc 30 Days Trial Period >>>>> Download Now

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  2. Worked once, but wont now, what am I doing wrong?

    1. still working for me you have to try it again

    2. str8jacketMay 03, 2020

      Go to Start > Search/Run > regedit and then open it.
      Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > then to the mIRC.
      Couble click on the folder "LastRun" / Right click default at top of page to right/click delete/ right click on "Lastrun" folder and delete.
      Exit regedit.
      Delete the folder C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\mIRC. You may need to enable hidden folders in order to see your AppData folder.
      Start Mirc again and you should have a 30 day trial.

    3. AnonymousJune 30, 2021

      you sir are a genius :D

    4. If your trial has expired as an alternative to deleting the AppData\Roaming\mIRC folder which removes any configured mirc options. you can do the following (in addition to the regedit LastRun deletion):
      Start -> Run -> notepad.exe %appdata%\mirc\mirc.ini
      Scroll down to the [options] section and look for the line starting n8=. This has a bunch of numbers with commas separating them.
      Look for the 3rd to last number. This most likely shows as a 3.
      Change it to a 0 and save the file
      Start mIRC again and you should have your 30 day trial back again.

  3. Learn how to use mIRC then use the guide above to keep using it forever...

  4. str8jacket: Thanks....worked perfectly

  5. won't work for me, any other suggestions, I'm operating Windows 10

  6. worked for somme months, doesn't work anymore

  7. Ampm Fun: How To Reset Mirc 30 Days Trial Period >>>>> Download Now

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    Ampm Fun: How To Reset Mirc 30 Days Trial Period >>>>> Download LINK

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    Ampm Fun: How To Reset Mirc 30 Days Trial Period >>>>> Download Full

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  8. AnonymousMay 02, 2022

    Worked fine as of today, 3rd May 2022 on mIRC v7.64

  9. last version 7.76 all tips dont work


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