Oct 13, 2014

Amanda Bynes back under involuntary psychiatric hold

Troubled actress Amanda Bynes remains at Las Encinas Hospital in Pasadena, California, under an involuntary psychiatric hold while she awaits a competency hearing this week.

Despite Bynes' often-bizarre behavior during the past several days, there is no guarantee a court will allow the hold to continue past the 72 hours provided for in section 5150 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code. "They can't just make up evidence. It has to be true and observable," attorney Wendy Patrick told CNN Sunday. "The hearing is not just a rubber stamp."

Bynes, 28, was admitted on Friday, immediately after returning to Los Angeles from New York. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays "may be excluded from the 72-hour period if the State Department of Social Services certifies for each facility that evaluation and treatment services cannot reasonably be made available on those days," according to the law.

Before arriving, Bynes had posted a string of tweets in which she insisted, "I am not insane" while also writing, "I need a tremendous amount of facial surgery" and accusing her father of abuse in tweets she or someone else has since removed. Afterward she recanted, tweeting, "My dad never did any of those things. The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me."

Her final tweet to date was directed at Britney Spears' controversial former manager. "You feel like a brother to me, Sam Lutfi. I mean it. Thank you luuuuv," Bynes wrote on Friday. According to TMZ, Lufti, in tandem with Bynes' parents, had urged the actress to return to Los Angeles under the pretense of his helping her sue her family. The car that met her at the airport then transported her to the hospital.

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