Jul 18, 2014

Blake Lively Opens Up About Husband Ryan Reynolds

He may not have been snapped alongside his wife, but the August issue of Vogue is as much about Ryan Reynolds as it is about cover star Blake Lively.

Sitting down with the magazine to promote her lifestyle website, Preserve, which will launch later this month, Lively opened up about her relationship with husband and cited him as an essential influence on her most recent venture.

"He's a part of it because everything we do in life we do together," Lively told writer Jonathan Van Meter. "If I'm working on a movie, he helps me with my character; I do the same with him. Picking out a coffee table. What we’re going to eat. He's a beautiful writer--he's written a lot of stuff for us. And he’s got a great barometer and he knows me, so he will tell me if it's not as good as it can be."

That characteristic frankness is clearly a trait that Lively has picked up on. The budding entrepreneur made tacit mention of Reynolds' previous marriage to Scarlett Johansson, saying: "The fact that he lived so much before we got together, he's the exact realized person that he should be. And so I get to share my life with the person he's become, and we get to grow from there."

Given that the article makes frequent mention of her status as a "celebrity homemaker," it's no surprise that Lively has babies on the brain. And while Lively is focused on her forthcoming venture for now, which the article in fact compares to a newborn, she is confident that Reynolds is "going to be a great father and leader and patriarch."

"He's so meant to be all of those things," she said.

The actor has already mastered the easy-going attitude that parenthood requires. Lively told Vogue that her husband has helped her see beauty in imperfection and accident.

To wit: At their wedding outside Charleston, South Carolina, two years ago, an errant sparkler left "a big burn mark" on the front of her dress.

"It was just so heartbreaking to me," Lively told the magazine. But Reynolds termed it "beautiful"--an unlikely memento of the special day.

"Now that's my favorite part of the dress," Lively said.

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