Mar 28, 2017

New one pound coin could bring wave of chuggers to Britain's streets

The new pound coin could bring wave of chuggers this summer as the Government is telling charities to get out with their buckets and collect old coins.

The 12-sided £1 enters circulation on Tuesday and replaces the familiar round £1 coin, which has been in circulation since 1983

From October 15 round pounds will cease to be legal tender giving people six months to spend, bank or donate them.

In a bid to encourage people to give them to charity the Royal Mint wants charities to increase their presence this summer, focusing on supermarkets, retail outlets and in public areas, at points where people are likely to have their purses out.

The National Council For Voluntary Organisations's website says: "Now is the time to get planning about fundraising work your charity could do around the coin over the summer. We’ll be putting out more resources such as fundraising ideas in the coming months, but we know the best ideas will come from the voluntary sector."

Micheal Birtwisple , a senior policy officer at the organisation, said: "We're expecting big fundraising efforts over the summer with lots of bucket collections linked up with gift aid. We're exploring create ways to get people to donate at supermarket tills, for example recreating something similar to the charity token system that already exists in many branches."

Government research suggests there are millions of old pound coins saved up by the public in jam jars and piggy banks, and around 5 per cent of the public would consider donating them when they cash them in.

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